Write This Book: A Do-It-Yourself Mystery

Тема в разделе "Иностранная литература", создана пользователем Volodka, 14 май 2014.

  1. Volodka

    Volodka Ярослав П.

    Bosch Pseudonymous
    Write This Book: A Do-It-Yourself Mystery


    Издательство: Hachette Book Group
    Жанр: Hachette Book Group

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 304
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    This imaginative companion to the New York Times bestselling Secret Series teases, prompts, and leads readers through the steps of writing a story. Bosch's signature rip-roaring voice delivers an engaging narrative (for the reader to help complete!) and interactive puzzles and games. Readers get the chance to create their own story while enjoying a satisfying mystery as well.Here's a note from our fearless author: I feared this might happen. I knew reading was a dangerous business, but now it's not safe for writers either! You see, the author of this book is missing. Well, maybe not missing. A certain author whom I won't name (okay, me) has abandoned his book and has left his readers hanging out to dry. This is a crime, I admit, but there it is. Most of this book, well, I just haven't written it. And I'm not going to, either. Why? Oh, I have my reasons. Big. Grown up. Author. Reasons. Unfortunately, I can't reveal them yet. Let's just say a life is at stake (mine) and leave it at that. So will you do it? Pretty please? You'll do it? Thank you! But please hurry! Time is of the essence and you can't wait any longer. You must WRITE THIS BOOK!


  2. Vanger

    Vanger Митрофан


  3. Dionis

    Dionis Моисей С.

    Спасибо, скачал.

  4. Volodka

    Volodka Ярослав П.

    Все? Можно удалять? :)

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