Writing: Course Book Level 2

Тема в разделе "Иностранная литература", создана пользователем AliAliev, 30 июн 2013.

  1. AliAliev

    AliAliev Алексей

    Phillips Terry
    Writing: Course Book Level 2


    Издательство: Garnet
    Жанр: Garnet

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 50
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    Skills in English Writing Level 2 Course Book The Garnet Education Skills in English series was highly commended in the Duke of Edinburgh English Speaking Union English Language Book Award in 2004. Do you have to write assignments in English as part of your studies? Then you need Skills in English Writing. This course builds the skills that help you write assignments and term papers in English. At Level 2, you learn how to: * write an introduction; * write a topic sentence; * link sentences; * use pronouns; * give an opinion; * state reasons; * compare things; * and write a narrative. As well as preparing students for entry into English-medium study, the Skills in English Course is ideal for students who wish to improve their scores in skills-based examinations for university entry requirements, such as the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). Rather than focusing on exam preparation, Skills in English teaches the necessary skills as part of a systematic programme of language development. Skills in English courses are also available in Listening, Speaking and Reading. See the Skills in English website at skillsinenglish.com for additional materials and help. Key Features * Reading texts a maximum of 500 words * Listening texts a maximum of 800 words * Speaking tasks up to five paragraphs, with writing assignments between five and ten well-structured paragraphs * Test booklets containing theme tests, a revision test after five units, plus an end-of-course test * Teacher's Book containing full answer keys, methodology notes and transcript of listening material * Language and culture notes available for Arabic, Chinese and Japanese learners Accompanying Teacher's Book, Student Test Pack and Teacher Test Booklet also available.


    • writing.pdf
      Размер файла:
      608 КБ
    • writing.fb2
      Размер файла:
      263 КБ
    • writing.epub
      Размер файла:
      113 КБ

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